IMARA - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Guy Fayolle is

    • Scientific advisor at the Robotics Laboratory of Mines ParisTech. In this respect, he participates in the contract COVADEC, which is an industrial project (FUI / FEDER 15) involving 8 partners, among which Peugeot, Valeo, Armines and All4tec. The acronym stands for Conception et Validation des Systèmes Embarqués d?Aide à la Conduite. Armines will propose a Markov chain analysis aiming at optimizing test generation, taking into account non independent parameters.

    • Associate editor of the journal Markov Processes and Related Fields,

    • Regular reviewer for some journals of high repute (PTRF, MPRF, QUESTA, IEEE-IT, JSP), and also for the AMS Mathematical Reviews.

    • Member of the working group IFIP WG 7.3.

    • Program committee member of the regular Int. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, held in Paris at IHP (28-29 oct. 2013). The chairman-organizer is E. Gelenbe (Imperial College, UK).

    He gave two invited talks :

    • Séminaire de Probabilités of the LAGA Laboratory (Univ. Paris 13, 23 may 2013) to speak on Random walks in the quarter Plane: analytic and probabilistic aspects.

    • Séminaire du Groupe de travail en Probabilités du MAP5, Univ. Paris 5, where he presented the paper [11] .

    He was invited to attend the follow-up meeting of the Workshop Programme Modern probabilistic techniques for design and analysis of stochastic systems and networks, held at the Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge Univ. UK), 12-16 aug. 2013. He also chaired a session at the Rencontres de Probabilités, 9-10 sept. 2013, Rouen University.

  • Jean-Marc Lasgouttes has been reviewer for the European Journal on Operation Research (EJOR) and the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

  • Philippe Morignot

    has been member of the steering committee of the French association for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA). He is Editor-in-Chief of the newsletter of this association. He has been session chair of the session entitled "Human and Hydrologic applications" at the IASTED AIA'13 conference.

  • Fawzi Nashashibi is:

    • Scientific advisor at the Robotics Laboratory of Mines ParisTech.

    • Supervisor of 1 PhD thesis at Mines ParisTech in 2013: Miss Anne-Sophie Puthon

    • supervisor of 4 PhD thesis at Inria: B. Lefaudeux, H. Li, G. Tréhard, P. Merdrignac.

    • Associate editor of the journal Traitement du signal,

    • Associate editor and reviewer of major conferences in ITS and Robotics (IEEE IV, IEEE, ITSC, IEEE ICRA, IEEE ICARCV, IEEE ICVES,...)

    • Regular reviewer for some journals of high repute (Transportation Research Part C, IJRR, IJVAS, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, IEEE Transactions on ITS, IEEE TVT,...).

    • Member of the European working group on Automation of the iMobility Forum.

    • Member of the International Committee on Vehicle Highway Automation (AHB30)

    • Member of the Technical Program Committee of the WUSPE Workshop on in Kumamoto (Japan).

    Fawzi Nashashibi was co-organizer of the ict-PAMM Workshop on “Mobility Assistance and Service Robotics” held in Kumamoto (Japan) on November 9th, 2013.

    Fawzi Nashashibi was an invited keynote speaker at the following events:

    • ITSWC'2013 (Tokyo, Japan): Executive session “ES01: Autonomous Vehicles - the Path to Implementations”, at the International 20th ITS World Congress, Tokyo (Japan).

    • ITS Dublin: presentation at the session “Towards Automation of Vehicles and Roads in Europe” entitled “Design of fully automated vehicle transport system in urban settings and related Requirements for fully automated urban vehicles”.

    • WUSPE'2013 (Hanoi, Vietnam), Sept. 2013. International workshop on Wireless Communications and User centered Services in Pervasive Environments 2013. Presentation on “Cooperative wireless communications for road users” at the International Research Institute MICA of the HANOI UNIVERSITY of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY.

    • AHB030 TRB Committee: a presentation at the Vehicle-Highway Automation session entitled “Current advancements in urban mobility: the CityMobil use-case.”.

    • eu-Robotics Workshop: presentation about the results of the EU project PICAV.

    • Intech seminar: presentation at Inria Rhône-Alpes about the “Technical lessons learned from the urban mobility demonstration in La Rochelle” (joint presentation with M. Matthieu Graindorge from the City of La Rochelle), Oct. 24th, Grenoble.

    Fawzi Nashashibi participated to the following round tables:

    • ITS Dublin: participation in the International round table on “ITS Standardization towards deployment ”.

    • National Assembly / Sénat OPECST: participation to the national roundtable organized by the OFFICE PARLEMENTAIRE D’ÉVALUATION DES CHOIX SCIENTIFIQUES ET TECHNOLOGIQUES on the “New serene and sustainable mobility: designing ecological vehicles”.

    • Intech: roundtable about legal issues and deployment strategies for vehicle automation. Oct. 24th, Grenoble.

  • Joshué Pérez Rastelli

    • Guest-Editor of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (special issue of ELECTRO-MOBILITY).

    • Associate editor of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2013, Gold Coast, Australia.

    • Session Chairs of Autonomous Marine Vehicles, 2013 IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium.

    • Reviewer in a number of international journals: ROBOTICA, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Journal of the Franklin Institute, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Journal of Control, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine and International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ElSevier).

    • Reviewer in a number of international conferences including IEEE Intelligent Vehicles 2013, IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety 2013, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems 2013, ICRA 2013, among others.

    • Responsible of the PAL Inria (Personally Assisted Living) at IMARA team.

    • Séminaire des doctorants (April 2013, Inria Rocquencourt) Control Architecture for autonomous vehicles in urban environments.

  • Evangeline Pollard

    is a reviewer for several international journals and conferences: 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems (AES), Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computers & Electronics).

  • Oyunchimeg Shagdar

    is an associate editor of Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems and a technical program committee of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2014) and the IARIA International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence (Emerging 2013). She is a reviewer of a number of international journals and conferences, including IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Communications Letter, IEICE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), and Intelligent Vehicle Symposium. She was a keynote speaker at the workshops “Journée National Communications dans le Transport 2013", in June 2013, in Nevers, France and “Wireless Communications and User Centric Services in Pervasive Environments 2013", in September 2013, in Hanoi, Vietnam